ICP-MS - Perkin-Elmer NexION 300

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

      Facility/Equipment Details


      The NexION 300 is a robust inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. The instrument offers 3 modes of operation (Standard, Collision and Reaction) and can be quickly switched from 1 mode to another. So, every analysis can be performed on the same instrument. It’s the only ICP-MS that lets you maximize productivity without compromising sensitivity or performance. And, for the first time ever, a single ICP-MS instrument offers both the simplicity and convenience of a collision cell and the exceptional detection limits of a true reaction cell.

      Stability is optimized by incorporating a unique Triple Cone Interface and Quadrupole Ion Deflector. Designed to remove an unprecedented level of un-ionized material (and preventing it from entering the Universal Cell), this innovative ion path keeps the instrument clean, minimizing drift and eliminating the need for cell cleanings.

      Features/ Benefits

      Simultaneous dual mode (analog/digital detector)

      Large, accessible sample introduction system

      Low liquid uptake nebulizer

      Free-running RF plasma generator

      Automated X, Y, Z torch positioning

      Patented PlasmaLok® technology

      Fastest scanning quadrupole in the industry

      Universal Cell Technology™

      Quadrupole Ion Deflector

      Triple Cone Interface

      Plasma View window

      Four-stage vacuum system

      Benchtop design

      The NexION 300X configuration includes a single-channel Universal Cell. The system is best suited for general purpose applications such as environmental sample monitoring. NexION 300X uses a simple non-reactive gas to remove many interferences and to deliver better detection limits than Standard mode.
      ICP-MS - Perkin-Elmer NexION 300


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