Scanning Electron Microscope - JEOL JSM-7600F

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

      Facility/Equipment Details


      Field Emission SEM

      Detectors: SEI in-lens, LEI, LABE Backscattered, STEM in SEM

      Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) using Oxford X-max Silicon Drift Detector

      Magnification: 25x to 1,000,000X magnification

      with resolution of 1.0 nm at 1kV, 0.8nm at 15kV, 0.6 nm at 30kV

      Accelerating voltage: 0.1kV to 30kV

      JEOL digital camera

      Field Emission LaB6 crystal electron gun with High Brightness, Low Energy Spread, High Beam Stability

      Gentle Beam mode for top-surface imaging, reduced beam damage and charge suppression.

      A standard LABE detector for detecting very low energy and very low angle backscattered electrons.

      STEM in SEM - Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy in an SEM
      Scanning Electron Microscope - JEOL JSM-7600F


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