X-ray Diffraction: Single Crystal - Rigaku Synergy-i XRD

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

      Facility/Equipment Details


      The XtaLAB Synergy-i is controlled by the fully integrated, user-inspired CrysAlisPro software package that is capable of collecting and processing data efficiently and accurately, so you achieve the best data possible. The XtaLAB Synergy-i is a full-featured single crystal X-ray diffractometer that requires little servicing to maximize uptime and throughput. It is an ideal diffractometer for chemical crystallography research laboratories.

      An extremely low-noise detector
      The XtaLAB Synergy-i is configured with a HyPix-Bantam solid-state pixel array X-ray detector to enable direct X-ray photon detection and counting. Direct X-ray photon detection means that X-ray photons are counted instantaneously as they arrive at the detector. There is no conversion to visible light by a scintillator, so the energy of the photon can be assessed at the moment of detection. This leads to essentially noise-free images.

      Microfocus sealed tube X-ray source with multilayer optics
      The standard configuration of the XtaLAB Synergy-i includes a modern microfocus source, the PhotonJet-i. This source is available in dual- or single-source configurations (Cu/Mo), has low power consumption and yet provides high flux in order to study a variety of sample types. For the best data quality, it is important to ensure any source provides highly reproducible flux frame after frame. As tube temperature changes, so does the X-ray flux reaching your sample. Controlling the temperature of our sources using closed-circuit water cooling offers the best solution for consistent high performance.

      The XtaLAB Synergy-i comes complete with CrysAlisPro, our user-inspired data collection and data processing software for single crystal analysis. Designed around an easy-to-use graphical user interface, CrysAlisPro can be operated under fully automatic, semi-automatic or manual control. CrysAlisPro combines automated crystal screening, the fastest and most accurate strategy software available, concurrent data reduction and automatic small molecule structure solution. Visual feedback is provided for each step with clear, color-coded guidance so that both novices and experts can collect high-quality data in the shortest time possible.
      X-ray Diffraction: Single Crystal - Rigaku Synergy-i XRD


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