A Series of Meetings in Poisson Geometry

Project: Research

Project Details


This award provides support for the 8th 'Gone Fishing' meeting on Poisson Geometry, to be held on the Savannah campus of Georgia Southern University in Spring 2021. 'Gone Fishing' is a series of regular meetings in North America where mathematicians interested in Poisson geometry and its applications meet and discuss new ideas and results. These workshops aim to promote interaction between mathematicians, physicists and groups working on related areas from different points of view, and bring together leading experts and young researchers in these subjects to encourage more interaction and cross fertilization between different fields. This has become increasingly important as these various areas continue to progress deeper. The workshops also allow junior mathematicians from all over the United States to learn about cutting edge developments in Poisson Geometry and to disseminate their own research results in the field.

Poisson Geometry originates in the mathematical formulation of classical mechanics and the semi-classical limit of quantum mechanics. Poisson structures can be traced back to 19th century classics by Poisson, Hamilton, Jacobi and Lie. Poisson Geometry as an independent field started around 1980 with the foundational works of Kirillov, Lichnerowicz and Weinstein. Today the field is developing rapidly, stimulated by the connections with a large number of areas in mathematics and mathematical physics, including differential geometry and Lie theory, quantization, non-commutative geometry, representation theory and quantum groups, geometric mechanics and integrable systems. The 'Gone Fishing' workshops provide an excellent opportunity for scientists based in North America to exchange ideas and stimulate collaboration. In addition each workshop has a goal to address important questions and future directions of the subject: the 2020 meeting's theme is 'Integrable Systems and Group Actions', with special focus on the recently active topic of Gel'fand-Zeitlin systems. Conference website: https://sites.google.com/georgiasouthern.edu/gonefishing2020

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Effective start/end date04/15/2003/31/23


  • National Science Foundation: $25,000.00

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Geometry and Topology
  • Mathematics (all)


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