(GK-12) Graduate Teaching Fellows: Human Impact Along the Front Range of Colorado

  • Moore, John C. (PI)
  • Swift, David D.M. (CoPI)
  • Blubaugh, William W. (CoPI)
  • Mayes, Robert L. (CoPI)
  • Hoyt, William W.H. (CoPI)

Project: Research

Project Details


The University of Northern Colorado, Colorado State University, Weld County School District 6, and the Poudre RI school district propose a collaborative to support fellows in SMET disciplines and discipline-based education. Our teaching and research themes focus on Human impacts on land use and ecosystem structure andfunction along the Front Range of Nortitern Colorado.

Objectives and Activities:

Form Teaching-Research Teams - of teachers, fellows, and researchers that will interact throughout the year, for up to 3 years.

Conduct Teaching and Research Strategy Workshops - to familiarize teachers, researchers and fellows ,%ith each others culture.

Conduct Grant Writing Workshops - for the teachers and fellows for professional development and sustainability.

Develop Schoolyard Research Plots - based on the research experience. Teachers and fellows will establish schoolyard plots.

Apply,4ge-,4ppropriate, Standards-Based Modules - will be developed to link the research to the classroom.

Benefits include:

Fellows: I)GuidefellowstoincludeK-12outreachasacareergoal,2)lmprovedcommunication- teaching-related skills, 3) Financial stability, and 4) bnprove grantsmanship.

K-12 Teachers: 1) Connect with the research community, 2) Professional development (travel, credit, stipends), 3) Improve classroom resources (supplies, equipment technology), 4) Schoolyard sites, and 5) Provide additional classroom help via the fellows.

Effective start/end date06/1/0112/31/05


  • National Science Foundation: $1,534,066.00

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Education


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