Integrating three survey datasets (NACCHO, ASTHO and NALBOH) into a single dataset with the ability to link to other datasets

  • Jones, Jeffery A. (PI)
  • Lamberth, Cynthia Dianne C.D. (CoPI)
  • Riddell, Martha Cornwell (CoPI)

Project: Research

Project Details


The National Association of County and City Health Officials, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials and the National Association of Local Boards of Health, the three principal public health membership associations in the United States, have developed and deployed three separate survey instruments to measure the characteristics and performance of public health departments and public health governance. To date, the inability to integrate these datasets into a unified single dataset has limited the field's ability to use this data for public health systems and services research. This project will build on efforts to harmonize the data collection efforts and combine the three associations' datasets into a single dataset with common geographic variables, a common data dictionary, and the ability to link to other non-association data such as the U.S. Census.

Effective start/end date07/1/0908/31/12


  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: $600,000.00


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