REU Site: CollaborativE Multidisciplinary Investigations Through Undergraduate Research Experiences (CEMITURE)

Project: Research

Project Details


This REU Site award to Georgia Southern University (GSU), located in Statesboro, GA, will support the training of 8 students for 10 weeks during the summers of 2018-2020. It is supported by the Divisions of Chemistry and Materials Research of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate. Hosted by the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at GSU, this program focuses on collaborative and multidisciplinary research projects that span the fields of analytical, materials, organic, biochemical, and computational chemistry. Participants work directly with faculty mentors on their respective research projects, gain the knowledge and tools for progression in STEM, build a community of professionals with peers and faculty, and grow in their perspective on the role of STEM in society. In addition to ten weeks of intensive research, students take part in educational, social, and professional development activities that support their sustained growth as scientists, including training in scientific communication and workshops on career preparation, leadership, and ethics.

Research projects entail the design and characterization of magnetic materials; catalyst development; quantum chemical analyses for the detection of extrasolar planets; synthesis and investigation of novel organic sensors and molecular switches; development of analytical and biochemical techniques for toxicological assessment of common cosmetic ingredients; and novel approaches to cancer therapy. Research experiences are complemented by professional development activities that foster students' ability to effectively convey science to a variety of audiences, and provide the exposure, knowledge and tools to successfully navigate different stages of a STEM career. This includes hands-on training with instrumentation and resources commonly used by STEM professionals. Emphasis is placed on recruiting students from institutions with limited research opportunities, particularly women, minorities, and students from rural and underserved areas of the southeastern United States.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Effective start/end date09/1/1808/31/23


  • National Science Foundation: $280,056.00

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry (all)


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