A minor-merger model for NGC 7479

S. Laine, C. H. Heller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

32 Scopus citations


The overall morphology of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 7479 is modelled in numerical simulations of a minor merger. Special attention is paid to the morphology and velocity field of the asymmetric spiral structure and the strong stellar bar. The mass of the satellite galaxy is 1/10 of the mass of the primary disc, or 1/30 of the total mass of the primary. The satellite is placed initially in a circular prograde orbit at six disc scalelengths from the centre of the primary. We follow the evolution of the merger until the secondary galaxy reaches the nuclear region of the primary. A comparison between the modelled and observed morphologies of the stellar and the ionized and neutral gas distributions and velocity fields supports the hypothesis that the transient look of NGC 7479 is a result of a minor merger. We vary several of the initial parameters of the merger and discuss their effects on the resulting morphology. The merging satellite galaxy is likely to lie within the bar of NGC 7479. We identify a possible candidate in the observational data. We discuss briefly the most probable future evolution of NGC 7479 in the light of our minor-merger simulations, and conclude that NGC 7479 is likely to evolve toward an earlier Hubble type.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)557-568
Number of pages12
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number2
StatePublished - Sep 11 1999


  • Galaxies: ISM
  • Galaxies: individual: NGC 7479
  • Galaxies: interactions
  • Galaxies: kinematics and dynamics
  • Galaxies: structure


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