A Novel Peer-assisted Hybrid Flipped Classroom Model Using Online Discussion

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In this paper, a novel flipped classroom model using a hybrid approach combining traditional, flipped, and an online discussion for peer-assisted learning is presented. In this model, a specifically designed set of lecture notes were prepared by the faculty teaching the course to use in conjunction with online videos to supplement the students' learning process. To initiate discussions, students were asked to post their questions on an online discussion to trigger interactions among themselves and the faculty outside the classroom. Based on the outcome of these discussions, a 15-minute review lecture was prepared by the faculty to address the issues that were raised during the student groups' discussions. Following this brief lecture, the class was turned into a studio environment in which students were able to put into practice what they have learned inside and outside the classroom. Before the end of the lecture session, an online quiz was administered to monitor the students' level of preparation and understanding of the topics being covered. It was shown that the proposed model had succeeded in 1) establishing a virtual peer-assisted learning environment outside-the-classroom, 2) covering more topics by increasing the pace of learning, 3) improving the quality and complexity of the questions being addressed, 4) providing a conductive platform to exchange creative ideas, and finally, 5) increasing the students' overall performance and success in the course. To validate these findings, a quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted using statistical assessment methods. The effectiveness of this model was verified by assessing the students' performance in pre- and post-exams. Assessment results indicated that students subject to this study were able to score significantly higher on post-exams than what they were previously able to achieve. This demonstrated the improvement in the students' performance level. Furthermore, all the instructional tools that were developed and implemented in this hybrid classroom environment were also presented and discussed in this paper.

Original languageAmerican English
Journal2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
StatePublished - Jun 14 2015


  • Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • Active learning
  • Flipping a classroom
  • Hybrid flipped classroom model


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