A Qualitative Analysis of the South China Sea Dispute

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This project summarizes my doctoral dissertation concerning the South China Sea (henceforth SCS) dispute by utilizing a qualitative research design. The purpose of this study was to explore why the SCS dispute has long been regarded as one of the most complex and challenging ocean-related maritime disputes in Southeast Asia. This case study provides the opportunity for readers to examine whether this dispute has the potential of escalating into serious international conflicts because of its geographic position in major oceanic routes as well as for both tapped and untapped natural resources. The study is designed to create an understanding as to why this region is important not only to the regional claimants but also to global powers like India, and the United States. The sources of qualitative data collection and the data analysis are outlined along with a summation of the findings of the case study.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationEvolving Horizons
StatePublished - Nov 30 2021

DC Disciplines

  • Political Science


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