A User-Centric Middleware for CVM

Yali Wu, Andrew Allen, Frank Hernandez, Yingbo Wang, Peter J. Clarke

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


The advances in communication frameworks, such as Skype and Google Talk facilitate the increasing needs of communication-intensive and collaborative applications. These communication frameworks also make it possible for end-users to be more involved in the development of such applications if the appropriate level of abstraction can be provided.

In this paper, we propose the design of a user-centric communication middleware (UCM) that supports raising the level of abstraction appropriate for end-users to create and realize models using the communication virtual ma-chine (CVM) technology. The CVM technology consists of the communication modeling language (CML) and CVM, and supports the rapid conception, construction and realiza-tion of new communication services using a model-driven approach. The UCM is a layer in CVM that provides oper-ating simplicity to the end-user by masking the underlying technology. We present the design goals of UCM, high-level architecture, a description of the runtime environment and a case study showing how the communication needs of a medical scenario is realized in the UCM.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
StatePublished - Nov 16 2008


  • Engineering
  • Computer Sciences


  • abstraction
  • communication services
  • middleware


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