Adaptive Scene Synchronization for Virtual and Mixed Reality Environments

Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Jannick P. Rolland

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Technological advances in virtual environments facilitate the creation of distributed collaborative environments, in which the distribution of three-dimensional content at remote locations allows efficient and effective communication of ideas. One of the challenges in distributed shared environments is maintaining a consistent view of the shared information, in the presence of inevitable network delays and variable bandwidth. A consistent view in a shared 3D scene may significantly increase the sense of presence among participants and improve their interactivity. This paper introduces an adaptive scene synchronization algorithm and a framework for integration of the algorithm in a distributed real-time virtual environment. In spite of significant network delays, results show that objects can be synchronous in their viewpoint at multiple remotely located sites. Furthermore residual asynchronicity is quantified as a function of network delays and scalability.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality
StatePublished - Mar 27 2004


  • Computer Sciences


  • Collaboration
  • Communication effectiveness
  • Computer science
  • Delay
  • Layout
  • Optical computing
  • Optical sensors
  • Synchronization
  • Virtual environment
  • Virtual reality


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