Adolescent Involvement in the Medical Decision Making Process

Lisa Harrison, Brandon Hunt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Many adolescents reach full cognitive development by age 15. Age 18, however, has been designated the age when adolescents may give consent to medical treatment. When the reasoning ability of the adolescent has reached maturation, but the law does not afford the adolescent the ability to utilize his or her reasoning ability, conflicts may arise. Parents may wish one set of treatments for their child and the child may wish for a different type of treatment. When the adolescent is the client of a rehabilitation counselor or healthcare professional, ethical dilemmas may also arise. Supporting the adolescent will support his or her autonomy, however, it may concurrently stifle beneficence or nonmaleficence. This paper addresses issues relevant when dealing with adolescents and informed medical consent. These issues include legal, ethical, and familial implications. Guidelines to assist rehabilitation counselors are also offered.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling
StatePublished - 1999


  • Education
  • Educational Leadership


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