An Analysis of Current Measles Epidemiological Situation in China

Zhiwei Yang, Xinglu Zhang, Jian Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


By analyzing measles epidemiological situation in recent years in China, it is found that measles incidence has dramatically decreased since 1965 when measles vaccine was licensed (especially since 1978, the time of launching EPI programme), and the recorded lowest incidence of 4.84 cases per 100,000 population was achieved in 1995. Seasonal distribution of measles is very noticeable with incidence decreasing in late fall and increasing by the end of winter and beginning of spring. Most of the cases concentrated in pre-school and school children. The geographical distribution of measles cases was widely dispersed in most of our country, on the other hand, part of cases relatively focusing in several areas was displayed. However, the incidence, pattern of age distribution and progress of EPI programme were different among provinces. So, based on concrete conditions, through modifying the relative immunization strategies, establishing or improving surveillance system and reducing outbreak, the goal for accelerating control or even elimination of measles will be achieved.

中文摘要: 我国自1965年应用麻疹疫苗以来,尤其是1978年实施计划免疫以后,麻疹报告发病率显著下降,1995年报告发病率为4.84/10万,降到历史最低水平;发病高峰仍是冬春季节;病例集中在学龄前儿童和中小学生;地理分布广泛,农村为主要流行地区,流行模式为散发与暴发共存。各省发病强度和病例的年龄分布存在较大差别,反映了计划免疫工作进展不平衡。建议各地根据具体情况,实施加速控制麻疹规划,采取相应免疫策略,建立健全麻疹监测系统,减少暴发或流行,以达到进一步控制麻疹的目的
Original languageAmerican English
JournalChinese Journal of Vaccine and Vaccination
StatePublished - Jan 1998


  • Public Health


  • China
  • Measles


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