An Anti-Symmetric Key Algorithm for Signal Encryption

Yan Wu, A. C. Vosler

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


In this paper, we propose an encryption algorithm with anti-symmetric keys. The algorithm is assumed to be known to public, but the keys are kept private. The primary key (at the encryption site) is designed based on matrix transformation with the requirement that all arithmetic operations are strictly over the integer field. Therefore, there are no round off errors when the signal is deciphered at the receiver site. The anti-symmetric key algorithm is designed for constructing such a primary key in the proposed encryption scheme, which is shown to be robust against attacks.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing
StatePublished - Mar 22 2007


  • Education
  • Mathematics


  • Adjunct matrix
  • Cryptosystem
  • Encryption key
  • Integral matrix
  • Kerckhoffs' principle
  • Linear Diophantine equation
  • Matrix encryption
  • Nonlinear Diophantine equation


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