An Epidemiological Analysis of 68 Poliomyelitis Cases Caused by Wild Poliovirus Found in China, 1993-1994

Xinglu Zhang, Ke'an Wang, Li-Bi Zhang, Jian Zhang

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An epidemiologic analysis of poliomyelitis cases in China in 1993-1994 caused by wild poliovirus found through polio surveillance system and the evaluation on this same system were reported.Although only isolate of wild poliovirus type 3 in Xinjiang was confirmed,the epidemic strains of priority were type 1. Among the wild poliovirus confirmed cases, 96% were the children under 4 years of age, who appeared to be the extremely high-risk population, sex ratio was 2:1. There was an obvious peak season of the disease and in which most of the cases occurred from March to June. Geographic distribution of the cases were in rural areas and most of them were due to some big outbreaks in some southern high-risk provinces. Examining the immunization history, 44% and 66% of the cases have not received any OPV or not received 3 complete vaccination doses respectively. 68%of the cases were characterized for collecting stool samples within 14 days through the surveillance system. It is of importance that learning more epidemiologic characteristics be benefits for increasing polio surveillance quality especially in the last stage of polio eradication in China.

中文摘要: 本文就1993~1994年发现的由脊髓灰质炎野病毒引起的68例病例进行了流行病学分析。近年我国脊髓灰质炎野病毒流行的优势毒株是Ⅰ型,仅在新疆分离到1株Ⅲ型野病毒;96%的病例是4岁以下儿童,男女性别比例为2:1,病例有明显的季节发病高峰,多集中在3~6月,病例主要分布在农村地区;1993年南方几个省出现了脊髓灰质炎的暴发或流行;在这些病例中未服苗和未完成3次服苗的比例分别为44%和66%。

Original languageAmerican English
JournalChinese Journal of Vaccine and Vaccination
StatePublished - 1996


  • Public Health


  • China
  • Poliomyelitis


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