An Exploratory Study on Variances in Perceptions of Smart Home Technologies

Thomas Mendoza, Hayden Wimmer, Carl Rebman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Each year brings introductions of new smart home technologies and research has been growing in this area. Yet, there is little research into the perceptions of smart home technology. This exploratory study seeks to measure the variances in new or future users of smart home technologies. A 24-question online survey was constructed using a Likert Scale metric, which produced evidence of correlations between behavioral intentions, perceived usefulness, ease of use, self-efficacy and technology anxiety. The survey instrument was distributed to over 200 students to solicit their feedback and determine if there were any differences in perception of adoption intention due to gender, major, or class rank. The results indicate that there were no significant differences in gender, major, or class rank response and the majority of respondents cited a positive acceptance of innovation, and only differed in perception of the usefulness of smart home technology. Most respondents were concerned about the privacy and full time recording and monitoring.

Original languageAmerican English
Journal2019 Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference
StatePublished - Jan 1 2019


  • Computer Sciences


  • SHT
  • SMART home technologies
  • behavioral intentions
  • monitoring
  • perceptions
  • privacy
  • recording
  • technology anxiety


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