An Inexpensive Method for Creating Cages for Large Reptiles

P. M. Bedocs, L. McBrayer, J. Elias

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Reptiles can be stored in a variety of containers: however. the most convenient and widely used are glass aquaria. Glass aquaria provide adequate housing for small reptiles, but are not very prac­tical options for housing large reptiles because they are heavy and easily broken. Large reptiles are housed in a wide variety of con­tainers. Frequently used cages include custom made wood and glass cages, cattle tanks. plastic terraria, and commercially avail­able cages (Mason et al. 1991). While these certainly provide ad­equate housing options, they are often cost prohibitive, heavy, and difficult to properly sanitize.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalHerpetological Review
StatePublished - Sep 2000


  • Biology


  • Creating cages
  • Inexpensive method
  • Large reptiles


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