An Integrated Evaluation Method for Module-based Undergraduate Information Retrieval Education

Lei Zhu, Jane Wong, Bradley R. Sturz, Yong Shi, Chun Tang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the Information Age, career and life-long learning increasingly depend on information-retrieval (IR) skills to utilize digital and on-line information effectively. Consequently, IR has become a valuable integral element of many disciplines. To address primary problems in the current college-level IR education, we have proposed a module-based curricular model that facilitates the development of an array of IR course modules that enable flexible adoption and integration. In addition, these modules can be designed to meet the specific needs of various disciplines and programs. This paper presents a preliminary integrated evaluation method which combines subjective and objective evaluation in order to assess the effectiveness of the IR modules.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
StatePublished - Jun 2008


  • Information Literacy
  • Psychology


  • IR
  • Information-Retrieval


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