Analysis on the Coverage of Hepatitis B(HB) Vaccine in Chinese Children

Xinglu Zhang, Jian Zhang, X. Zu, T. Xu, Q. L. Li, Ke'an Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In order to evaluate the coverage of HB vaccine,the data of the third 85% national immunization coverage review was analyzed. Among the children born in 1994, the full immunization (3 doses) coverage of HB vaccine was, on the average, 50.6% (with 95% confidence interval between 50.4% and 50.8%). It was shown that the coverage of HB vaccine was different in different provinces. The coverage was higher than 85% in 7 provinces, 50-84% in 8 provinces and 30-50% in 7 provinces. There were 13 provinces in which the coverage was higher than the average 50.6%. The coverage was 91.3% in urban area and 44.6% in rural area (P0.00001). In order to identify the factors which influence the coverage, multiple logistic regression analysis was used. It was shown that the following factors might be related to the higher coverage: urban area, plain area, population holding immunization insurance contract, having immunization cards and the basic knowledge of diseases prevention in caretakers.

中文摘要: 为对我国乙型肝炎疫苗接种率进行评价,笔者分析了全国以乡为单位儿童免疫接种率达到85%目标审评乙型肝炎疫苗接种率资料,结果表明我国1994年出生的儿童全程接种(三针)乙型肝炎疫苗接种率为50.6%,95%可信限为50.4%~50.8%。各省间调查接种率差异很大,接种率在85%以上的省有7个; 50%~84% 有8个; 30%~50%有7个,超过全国平均水平的省有13个。城镇儿童接种率为91.3%,农村为44.6%,城镇高于农村。影响乙肝疫苗接种单因素及Logistic逐步回归多因素分析结果显示,居住在城镇、平原地区、参加计免保偿、发过常规免疫接种证、看护人具有基本防病知识的儿童乙肝疫苗接种率相对较高
Original languageAmerican English
JournalDisease Surveillance
StatePublished - 1997


  • Public Health


  • Chinese Children
  • HB
  • Hepatitis B


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