Applying a model of Lesson Structure-Based Technology Integration (LSBTI) in Student Teaching

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Responding to the call for information technology integrated into contents of methods and curriculum courses, and the need of the guided directions for student teachers with the lack of technology resources, in this particular article, I introduced Lesson Structure-Based Technology Integration (LSBTI) to show on which pedagogical basis student teachers should stand upon selecting technology materials in their planning and implementing process. LSBTI enables student teachers to create items of a matrix that categorize the overwhelmed technology resources in that teachers have foci of locating technology materials during the process of planning and implementing. The article will conclude with implications of technology integration connected to pedagogy and curriculum for student teachers and teachers who have limited technology resources in their classrooms.


  • Educational Administration and Supervision
  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
  • Educational Leadership


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