Bio-based composites withnhanced matrix-reinforcement interactionsrom the polymerizationf α-eleostearic acid

Amanda Murawski, Rafael L. Quirino

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Vegetableil-based composites have been proposed as interesting bio-based materials in theecent past. The carbon-carbon double bonds in unsaturated vegetableils are idealeactiveitesorreeadical polymerization. Without the presencef aeinforcement, typical vegetableil-based polymers cannot achieve competitive thermo-mechanical properties.ompatibilizers have been utilized tonhance the adhesion betweenesin andeinforcement. This work discusses the antagonist implicationsf polarity and crosslink densityf an unprecedented polar α-eleostearic acid-basedesineinforced with α-cellulose,liminating the needf a compatibilizer. It ishown that the polaregionsf α-eleostearic acid can interact directly with the polareinforcement. Theuccessful isolationf α-eleostearic acidrom tungil was verified via GC-MS, 1H NMR,aman, and FT-IRpectroscopies. Theptimal curecheduleor theesin was determined by DSC and DEA. The composites' thermo-mechanical properties were assessed by TGA, DSC, and DMA.

Original languageEnglish
Article number447
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 1 2019


  • Bio-based materials
  • Cellulose composites
  • Fatty acids
  • Thermosets
  • Tungil


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