Building a Defensible Virtual Environment

Shaun Walmsley, Lei Chen

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


As the scope and utilization of virtual technology continues to grow, so does the importance of securing that technology.  Virtual technology is now relied upon to support production level environments, and with that increased reliance on virtual technology comes an ever increasing need to ensure that these virtual environments are built and maintained with security as a primary concern.  Companies can no longer afford to treat virtual environment security as an afterthought. Virtual environments present several security concerns which are unique to their specific nature.  It is imperative that companies and administrators understand these concerns and implement proper measures to deal with these unique issues accordingly.  Additionally, virtual environments often have the same security concerns as regular hardware environments, but the unique nature of the virtual environment requires that these well known security concerns be addressed in new ways.  The intent of this paper is to identify the various areas of security which are of concern in virtual environments and to provide recommendations on how best to address these concerns.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government
StatePublished - Jul 16 2012


  • Databases and Information Systems


  • Hypervisors
  • Security
  • VMWare
  • Virtual environoment
  • Virtual management System
  • Virtualization


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