Building Essential Professional Skills through Research in the Department of Geology and Geography at Georgia Southern University

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Research components are incorporated throughout required and elective courses for geology undergraduates at Georgia Southern University. Field Methods (GEOL 3520) teaches the use of basic field skills and tools, and the necessity of cooperative work in research teams. Team projects include measurement and description of strata in a local exposure, coupled with a ground penetrating radar survey. The report requires interpretation of the depositional environment and construction of a block or fence diagram. Mineralogy (GEOL 3541) requires student research partners to identify an unknown mineral sample using optical methods and X-Ray Diffraction, and to address methods, data and results, general occurrence and crystal structure in a report and in a power point presentation to the class. Petrology and Petrography (GEOL 3542) requires petrographic analysis and classification of an unknown rock sample, report preparation and presentation in a poster session. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation (GEOL 5142) includes library research and report preparation and Structural Geology (GEOL 5440) requires collection and interpretation of field data, with emphasis on detailed field notes. Majors seeking a BS degree take Introduction to Research (GEOL 4120), practicing library research and technical writing, and completing a research proposal. Those completing the course with a “B” or higher and maintaining an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher will work with a faculty mentor conducting senior thesis research (GEOL 4830) culminating with a complete thesis and professional style presentation (GEOL 4831). A summer elective package (Sea Turtle Natural History GEOL 5740 and Barrier Island Environmental Geology, GEOL 5890) offered through the St. Catherines Island Sea Turtle Program builds research skills through daily field journals, sketching and digital photography, application of critical thinking skills, participation in conservation research and small research projects, project presentations and reports.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalGeological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
StatePublished - 2014


  • Geology


  • College courses
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Georgia Southern University
  • Professional skills
  • Research


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