Canceling the Radiologist Contract

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Georgia Southern University faculty member James H. Stephens authored "Canceling the Radiologist Contract" in Leadership for Health Professionals: Theory, Skills, and Applications, 1st Edition.

Book Summary: Leadership for Health Professionals: Theory, Skills, and Applications concentrates on leadership as a subject of study and enables students to apply and practice the theories, models, and responsibilities of leadership within a health organization context. This thorough, well-organized text includes practical cases from leaders in various health professions, presenting leadership principles with an emphasis on enabling and empowering students and professionals to become better leaders in practice, develop an efficacious personal leadership model, and improve health outcomes through better leadership. Leadership for Health Professionals: Theory, Skills, and Applications provides students with the fundamentals of leadership theory and bridges the gap between theory and practice with an emphasis on practical application. With exercises and discussion questions to reinforce key concepts and create critical thinking opportunities, Leadership for Health Professionals combines theoretical foundations with practical applications and is the ideal text to prepare students and professionals for leadership opportunities. Instructor Resources Include: Instructor's Manual, TestBank, Exercises, PowerPoint Slides and Exercises.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationLeadership for Health Professionals: Theory, Skills, and Applications
StatePublished - Sep 6 2010


  • Health Services Administration
  • Public Health


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