Chapter 75: Online Abuse: Cyberstalking, Harassment, and Stalking

Adam Bossler, Thomas J. Holt

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Cyber behavior, such as e-learning, e-voting, e-shopping, e-privacy, and e-therapy, could be broadly considered as any physical, social, or mental activities that humans engage in interacting with the Internet and that can be objectively observed in cyber space.

The Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior is intended to offer the first, definitive, and most comprehensive presentation of existing substantial knowledge concerning cyber behavior. It aims to synthesize the scientific knowledge of cyber behavior, examined in a wide variety of disciplines such as psychology, sociology, economics, education, communications, criminology, political science, information science, technology, medicine, law, and business, into one single platform perfect for students, researchers, teachers, managers, and policy makers alike.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationEncyclopedia of Cyber Behavior
StatePublished - Mar 31 2012


  • Criminology
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice


  • Cybercrime
  • Cyberstalking
  • Harassment
  • Online abuse
  • Stalking


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