Charting Supply Chain Management Integration and Initiatives: A Framework to Guide Implementation

W. Rocky Newman, Mark D. Hanna, Thomas Gattiker, Xiaowen Huang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


<p> This paper proposes a framework that describes the boundary spanning supply chain management (SCM) initiatives taken by leading companies. Supported by existing literature and interviews with managers from large companies reflecting a cross section of businesses, the framework suggests four motivating domains or factors that could support SCM initiatives. They are supply chain understanding, design, improvement, and coordination. Based on the sand cone model, the framework also suggests four levels of SCM integration over which these motivating factors are relevant to the firm and/or supply chain. They range from no integration outside the functional silos of a single firm to a fully integrated multi&hyphen;tier supply chain. Unlike existing frameworks that are based upon the flow of material and information through the supply chain, our framework is derived by combining the concept of integration with the motivating domains that characterize SCM initiatives. It captures the combined and overlapping impact of supply chain initiatives from a more strategic perspective and is a useful additional resource for practitioners who seek to chart potential improvements to their supply chain from a competitive standpoint.</p>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalAmerican Journal of Business
StatePublished - Jan 1 2009


  • Business Administration, Management, and Operations
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management


  • Charting
  • Framework
  • Guide
  • Implementation
  • Initiatives
  • Integration
  • Management
  • Supply chain


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