Circular Convex Bipartite Graphs: Maximum Matching and Hamiltonian Circuits

Y. Daniel Liang, Norbert Blum

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


The maximum matching and its related problems in convex bipartite graphs were studied by Glover (1967) and Lipski and Preparata (1981). This paper introduces circular convex bipartite graphs and considers the maximum matching and Hamiltonian circuit problems in these graphs. A bipartite graph G = ( A , B , E ) is circular convex on the vertex set A if A can be ordered on a circle so that for each element b in the vertex set B the elements of A connected to b form a circular arc of A . We present linear time algorithms for finding a maximum matching and a Hamiltonian circuit in circular convex bipartite graphs.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalInformation Processing Letters
StatePublished - Nov 24 1995


  • Computer Sciences


  • Algorithms
  • Circular convex bipartite graph
  • Convex bipartite graph
  • Hamiltonian circuit
  • Maximum matching


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