Complementary Trapezoids Living in the Same Circle

John B. Hawkins, David R. Stone

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Problem 5153 in the SSMA Journal Problems Section posed the situation of two trapezoids (1, 1, 1, x) and (x, x, x, 1) both inscribed in a circle. The goal of the problem was to find x and the size of the circle. We show that there are only three possible solutions and that, surprisingly, the Golden Ratio shows up in the answers. Then we generalize to two trapezoids (a, a, a, b) and (b, b, b, a). Finally, we show how the solutions arise from inscribed decagons.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 10 2012
EventSoutheast Section of the Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting - Morrow, United States
Duration: Mar 9 2012Mar 10 2012
Conference number: 91 (Link to program)


ConferenceSoutheast Section of the Mathematical Association of America Annual Meeting
Abbreviated titleMAASE
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • Mathematics


  • Circle
  • Trapezoids


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