Converging Self/Other Awareness: Erich Fromm and Paulo Freire on Transcending the Fear of Freedom

Robert Lake, Vicki Dagostino

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter

10 Scopus citations


Georgia Southern University faculty member Robert L. Lake co-authored "Converging Self/Other Awareness: Erich Fromm and Paulo Freire on Transcending the Fear of Freedom" alongside non-faculty member Vicki Dagostino in Paulo Freire’s Intellectual Roots: Toward Historicity in Praxis .

Book Summary: Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy has had a profound influence on contemporary progressive educators around the globe as they endeavor to rethink education for liberation and the creation of more humane global society. For Freire, maintaining a sense of historicity, that is, the origins from which our thinking and practice emerges, is essential to understanding and practicing education as a means for liberation. Too often, however, critical pedagogy is presented as a monolithic philosophy, and the historical and intellectual roots of critical pedagogy are submerged. Through a compilation of essays written by leading and emerging scholars of critical pedagogy, this text brings history into the present and keeps Paulo's intellectual roots alive in all of us as we develop our praxis today.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationPaulo Freire’s Intellectual Roots: Toward Historicity in Praxis
StatePublished - Apr 11 2013


  • Educational Methods
  • Curriculum and Social Inquiry
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research


  • Awareness
  • Erich Fromm
  • Freedom
  • Other
  • Paulo Freire
  • Self


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