Creating a Co-Teaching Triad: A Unified Partnership between the University Supervisor, Clinical Supervisor, and Pre-Service Teacher

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Co-teaching has become a common service delivery model for students with disabilities (Friend, 2014). However, teacher candidates (TC) leave teacher preparation programs (TPP) ill prepared to participate in successful co-teaching partnerships (Chitiyo & Brinda, 2018). The purpose of this presentation is to consider how TPPs and their school partnerships can provide experiences that better prepare TCs for their role as a co-teacher. In addition, the presenter will propose how partnerships may facilitate and mindfully place TCs in co-taught settings in order to enrich TCs’ understanding of the behaviors and tools necessary to be successful in inclusive classrooms.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Feb 13 2020
EventNational Association for Professional Development Schools Conference -
Duration: Feb 14 2020 → …


ConferenceNational Association for Professional Development Schools Conference
Period02/14/20 → …


  • Education
  • Gifted Education


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