Curriculum as Musical Text

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Prior to becoming a faculty member at Georgia Southern University, Marla B. Morris authored "Curriculum as Musical Text" in How We Work.

Book Summary: How We Work is a collection of essays by writers from across the disciplines on the ways they produce work. Each writer offers a description of the processes and quirks of putting thoughts into form. All give personal reflection on how creating is both horizontal and vertical, involving the writer with places, sensual experiences, and other bodies, as well as with other parts of the self. Deliberately interdisciplinary and multicultural, this collection contains the work of curriculum theorists, fiction writers, poets, musicians, and professors of mathematics, English, philosophy, and women's studies. We hope to encourage readers to become more aware of their own creative potential by reading these essays.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationHow We Work
StatePublished - 1999


  • Curriculum and Instruction


  • Curriculum
  • Musical text


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