Defocusing Effects of Laser Beam on the Weldability of Powder Metallurgy Ti-Based Shape Memory Alloys

Abdollah Bahador, Esah Hamzah, Katsuyoshi Kondoh, T. Abubakar, Farazila Yusof, Safaa N. Saud, Mustafa K. Ibrahim, M. A. Ezazi

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8 Scopus citations
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The influence of defocusing distance of the fiber laser welding on Ti-51at%Ni, Ti-28%atNb and Ti-30at%Ta
shape memory alloys (SMAs) was investigated. These alloys were produced by powder metallurgy (P/M) and
sintered by furnace and microwave processes. The experimental results showed that the furnace-sintered Ti-Ni
welds have the maximum porosity density and the lowest weld quality. While, the microwave sintered alloys of
Ti-Nb and Ti-Ta SMAs presented better weldability, even though porosities were still observed. Ti-Ta SMA
showed the best welding quality compared with the other welded joints. It can be concluded that porosities play
important role in the welding of powder metallurgy alloys and in order to achieve high-quality welds, the
porosities should be minimized.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalProcedia Engineering
StatePublished - May 2 2017


  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering


  • Fiber laser welding
  • Shape memory alloys
  • furnace sintering
  • microwave sintering
  • powder metallurgy


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