Degradation of Ethylbenzene in Aqueous Solution by Sodium Percarbonate Activated with EDDS–Fe(III) Complex

Hang Cui, Xiaogang Gu, Shuguang Lu, Xiaori Fu, Xiang Zhang, George Y. Fu, Zhaofu Qiu, Qian Sui

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

74 Scopus citations


Ethylbenzene (EB) degradation performance in (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N-disuccinic acid (EDDS) chelated Fe(III) activated sodium percarbonate (SPC) system was investigated in this study. The effects of various factors, such as the dosages of SPC and Fe(III), molar ratio of EDDS/Fe(III), anions (Cl, HCO3, SO42−, and NO3) concentration, natural organic matters (NOM), and initial solution pH were evaluated. The results showed that the addition of EDDS remarkably improved the EB removal in Fe(III)/SPC system. Both HCO3 anions and NOM had significantly inhibitive effect, while the influence of SO42−, Cl and NO3 could be negligible on EB degradation. The EB removal was inhibited at extremely low and high initial solution pH. Moreover, the results of free radical probe tests, scavenger tests and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) detection indicated that [rad]OH was the predominant species responsible for EB degradation even though both [rad]OH and O2[rad] were generated in the SPC/EDDS–Fe(III) system. The oxidation products were analyzed and possible EB degradation pathways were proposed. In conclusion, this study provides an important insight into the application of SPC/EDDS–Fe(III) system in the removal of EB contaminant, especially for in situ remediation of BTEX-contaminated groundwater.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalChemical Engineering Journal
StatePublished - Feb 1 2017


  • Civil and Environmental Engineering


  • Chemical oxidation
  • EDDS-Fe(III) complex
  • Ethylbenzene
  • Groundwater remediation
  • Sodium percarbonate


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