Design of a bi-functional NaScF4: Yb3+/Er3+ nanoparticles for deep-tissue bioimaging and optical thermometry through Mn2+ doping

Guotao Xiang, Xiaotong Liu, Qing Xia, Xiuchong Liu, Su Xu, Sha Jiang, Xianju Zhou, Li Li, Dan Wu, Li Ma, Xiaojun Wang, Jiahua Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

33 Scopus citations


An approximately monochromatic red upconversion (UC) emission is successfully realized in NaScF4: Yb3+/Er3+ nanoparticles (NPs) through Mn2+ ions doping without phase transition. The Mn2+ ions play a role of bridge during the energy transfer process from green emission state 2H11/2/4S3/2 of Er3+ to red emission state 4F9/2 of Er3+, which significantly accelerates the red UC enhancement. The strongest red luminescence is observed in the sample containing 10% Mn2+ ions (Mn-10) with an enhancement factor of 7.5 times. Meanwhile, an ultrasensitive optical thermometry in the physiological temperature region can be realized by utilizing the fluorescence intensity ratio (FIR) between two thermally coupled Stark transitions of Er3+: 4I13/24I15/2, locating in the near-infrared (NIR) long wavelength region of the second biological window. Its relative sensitivity SR can be expressed by 340/T2, which is much higher than most optical thermometers based on thermally coupled Stark sublevels reported by the previous papers. Beyond that, an ex vivo experiment is designed to evaluate the penetration depth of the red and NIR emission of Mn-10 in the biological tissues, revealing that they can reach depth of at least 3 mm and 5 mm respectively. More importantly, the increasing tissue thickness has almost no effect on the FIR values. All the results show that the present sample is a promising bi-functional nano probe which can be used for bioimaging and temperature sensing in the deep tissues through the strong red UC emission and ultrasensitive NIR optical thermometer, respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Article number121832
StatePublished - Mar 1 2021

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Analytical Chemistry


  • Bioimaging
  • Energy transfer
  • Nanoparticle
  • Optical thermometry
  • Upconversion


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