Determination of turboprop reduction gearbox system fatigue life and reliability

Erwin V. Zaretsky, David G. Lewicki, Michael Savage, Brian L. Vlcek

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

2 Scopus citations


Two computational models to determine the fatigue life and reliability of a commercial turboprop gearbox are compared with each other and with field data. These models are (1.) Monte Carlo simulation of randomly selected lives of individual bearings and gears comprising the system and (2.) two-parameter Weibull distribution function for bearings and gears comprising the system using strict-series system reliability to combine the calculated individual component lives in the gearbox. The Monte Carlo simulation included the virtual testing of 744,450 gearboxes. Two sets of field data were obtained from 64 gearboxes that were first-run to removal for cause, were refurbished and placed back in service, and then were second-run until removal for cause. A series of equations were empirically developed from the Monte Carlo simulation to determine the statistical variation in predicted life and Weibull slope as a function of the number of gearboxes failed. The resultant L10 life from the field data was 5,627 h. From strict-series system reliability, the predicted L10 life was 774 h. From the Monte Carlo simulation, the median value for the L10 gearbox lives equaled 757 h. Half of the gearbox L10 lives will be less than this value and the other half more. The resultant L10 life of the second-run (refurbished) gearboxes was 1,334 h. The apparent load-life exponent p for the roller bearings is 5.2. Were the bearing lives to be recalculated with a load-life exponent p equal to 5.2, the predicted L10 life of the gearbox would be equal to the actual life obtained in the field. The component failure distribution of the gearbox from the Monte Carlo simulation was nearly identical to that using the strict-series system reliability analysis, proving the compatibility of these methods. Copyright

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
Specialist publicationTribology and Lubrication Technology
StatePublished - Jan 2008

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Surfaces and Interfaces
  • Surfaces, Coatings and Films


  • Gearbox life prediction
  • Gearing
  • Monte Carlo analysis
  • Probabilistic life analysis
  • Rolling-element bearings
  • Weibull analysis


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