Dimensions of Conflict in Strategic Decision Making: Effects, Outcomes and Antecedents

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Over the past ten years, there has been growing interest in the process of strategic decision-making among both managers and researchers. Strategic decisions are important for five main reasons: They are large-scale, risky and hard to reverse; they are a bridge between deliberate and emerging strategies; they can be a major source of organizational learning; they play an important part in the development of individual managers and they cut accross functions and academic disciplines. Strategic Decisions summarizes the current state of the art in research on strategic decision-making, with chapters prepared by leading strategy researchers. The editors also present implications for current application and proposed directions for future research.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationStragetic Decisions: Context, Process and Outcomes
StatePublished - 1998


  • Business


  • Business
  • Business & Economics / Industrial Management
  • Business & Economics / Management
  • Economics
  • Electronic books
  • Industrial management
  • Industrial organization
  • Industrial organization (Economic theory).
  • Management
  • Management science


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