Direct calculation of 4f3-4f3 transition intensities in Nd3+-doped YPO4 system involving explicit effects of 4f25d configuration

Jinsu Zhang, Feng Liu, Xia Zhang, Xiao Jun Wang, Jiahua Zhang

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1 Scopus citations


The effects of the 4f25d configuration on the intraconfigurational electric dipole transitions of Nd3+ doped YPO4 are taken into account by a 'direct' calculation. A simple model is applied to analyze the opposite-parity 4f25d configuration admixing into 4f3 transitional states. The matrix elements of the odd-rank crystal-field interaction and the interconfigurational electric dipole transition are directly expressed using a standard tensor operator method. A set of selection rules for f-d mixing and f-f electric dipole transitions is built up. The admixture effect is considered including both explicit 4f25d configuration and other opposite-parity states such as the 4f2n g configuration which is treated by a closure procedure. Using this calculation method in combination with the experimental data from the absorption spectrum, a set of intensity parameters is obtained. The transition intensities originating from the high-lying 2G9/2(2) level to the lower energy levels are then calculated, demonstrating a good agreement with the experimental results. The new calculation method is suitable for the electric dipole transitions within the 4fN configurations of trivalent lanthanide ions with more than two f-electrons.

Original languageEnglish
Article number095503
JournalJournal of Physics Condensed Matter
Issue number9
StatePublished - 2009

Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Materials Science
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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