Disturbing the Dyson Conjecture (in a GOOD Way)

Andrew V. Sills, Doron Zeilberger

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Joint work with Doron Zeilberger. In 1962, Freeman Dyson conjectured that the constant term in the Laurent polynomial ∏ 1≤i≠j≤n  (1-x i / x j aj   (let us call this the "Dyson product") is the multinomial coefficient (a 1  + a 2  + . . . + a )!/ [a 1 ! a 2 ! . . . a n ! ]. Dyson's conjecture was first proved independently by Gunson and Wilson. The most compact and elegant proof, however, was supplied by I.J. Good in 1970. We present a case study in experimental yet rigorous mathematics by describing an algorithm (which we have fully implemented in the Mathematica and Maple packages "GoodDyson") that automatically conjecture and then supply proofs (inspired by Good's proof) of closed form expressions for extensions of Dyson's conjecture to coefficients beside the constant term in the Dyson product.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 10 2005
EventRutgers Experimental Mathematics Seminar - New Brunswick, NJ
Duration: Mar 10 2005 → …


ConferenceRutgers Experimental Mathematics Seminar
Period03/10/05 → …


  • Dyson Conjecture

DC Disciplines

  • Mathematics


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