Division C Fireside Chat: The Journey From Doctoral Student to a Tenure-Track Job

Thom Michael Shuy, Debbie Sonu, Nel Noddings, Steven Page, Joseph E. Flynn, Alexander Means, William White, Joel H. Spring, Sabrina N. Ross, Antonia Darder, Seungho Moon, Molly Quinn

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Presentation given at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.

Many graduate students believe that navigating the job market consists of following a precise flow chart with little room to stray from the course. However, there are many different roads that may be traveled when seeking tenure line employment. Not all are immediately following a dissertation defense or the completion of a post doc. This Fireside Chat will introduce a collection of professors, each with a unique tale of how they traveled the sometimes frustrating, but rewarding road from doc student to professor. The session will begin with an introduction of each panel member, followed by a 60-minute session where our panelists will answer questions posed from attendees. Graduate students of all stages are encouraged to attend.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Apr 9 2016
EventAmerican Educational Research Association Annual Meeting - San Diego, CA
Duration: Apr 1 2022 → …


ConferenceAmerican Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
Period04/1/22 → …


  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Education


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