Does concentrating chemical defenses within specific regions of marine sponges result in enhanced protection from predators?

Christopher J. Freeman, Daniel F. Gleason

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Chemical defenses are an effective mode of predator deterrence across benthic marine organisms, but their production may come with associated costs to the organism as limited resources are diverted away from primary processes like growth and reproduction. Organisms concentrating ecologically relevant levels of these defenses in tissues most at risk to predator attack may alleviate this cost while deterring predators. We addressed this hypothesis by investigating the deterrence of chemical extracts from the inner and outer regions of the sponges Aplysina fulva, Ircinia felix, and I. campana from a temperate hard-bottom reef in the South Atlantic Bight. Assays were conducted using natural fish assemblages and sea urchins. Although, A. fulva and I. felix have higher concentrations of defensive metabolites in the outer and inner regions, respectively, extracts from these regions did not display enhanced deterrency against fish or mobile invertebrate predators. Likewise, extracts from both regions of the sponge Ircinia campana, which has a uniform distribution of defensive chemicals throughout, did not differ in their ability to deter either group of predators. Since chemical defenses were effective deterrents at lower concentrations, secondary metabolite allocation patterns observed among these sponges are likely not driven by predation pressure from generalist fish and mobile invertebrate predators on these reefs. Alternatively, these patterns may be driven by other ecological stressors, another suite of predators, or may be more effective at deterring predators when combined with structural defenses.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)289-297
Number of pages9
Issue number1
StatePublished - May 2012

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Aquatic Science


  • Chemical defense
  • Feeding assays
  • South Atlantic Bight
  • Temperate sponges


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