Elementary Preservice Teachers' Opinions About Parental Involvement in Children's Education

Research output: Graduate thesisDoctoral thesis


The purpose of this study was to determine if there were differences between classroom management beliefs of teachers based on years of teaching experience. The participants in this study were 282 teachers employed by eleven elementary public schools in Turkey. Data were collected utilizing ABCC Inventory and demographics. Significant difference was found on Behavior and People Management between beginning and experienced teachers. The study further examined the data to answer whether the difference coming from only the teaching experience or it is from the life experience as well such as being a parent and teacher at the same time. Correlation calculations showed a significant correlation between Behavior Management and being teacher-parent with at least one child.
Original languageAmerican English
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Department of Childhood Education, Reading and Disability Services. Florida State University
  • Diana C. Rice, Directing Dissertation; Robert A. Schwartz, Advisor, External person
StatePublished - 2006


  • Education
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development
  • Elementary Education and Teaching
  • Elementary Education


  • Elementary Schools
  • Parental Involvement
  • Preservice Teachers Opinions


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