Evaluation of Ionic Air Purifiers for Reducing Aerosol Exposure in Confined Indoor Spaces

S. A. Grinshpun, G. Mainelis, M. Trunov, A. Adhikari, T. Reponen, K. Willeke

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

112 Scopus citations


<div class="line" id="line-5"> Numerous techniques have been developed over the years for reducing aerosol exposure in indoor air environments. Among indoor air purifiers of different types, ionic emitters have gained increasing attention and are presently used for removing dust particles, aeroallergens and airborne microorganisms from in-door air. In this study, &filig;ve ionic air purifiers (two wearable and three stationary) that produce unipolar air ions were evaluated with respect to their ability to reduce aerosol exposure in con&filig;ned indoor spaces. The concentration decay of respirable particles of different properties was monitored in real time inside the breathing zone of a human manikin, which was placed in a relatively small (2.6 m3) walk-in chamber during the operation of an ionic air puri&filig;er in calm air and under mixing air condition. The particle removal e&ffilig;ciency as a function of particle size was determined using the data collected with a size-selective optical particle counter. The removal e&ffilig;ciency of the more powerful of the two wearable ionic purifiers reached about 50% after 15 min and almost 100% after 1.5 h of continuous operation in the chamber under calm air conditions. In the absence of external ventilation, air mixing, especially vigorous one (900 CFM), enhanced the air cleaning e&fflig;ect. Similar results were obtained when the manikin was placed inside a partial enclosure that simulated an aircraft seating con&filig;guration. All three stationary ionic air purifiers tested in this study were found capable of reducing the aerosol concentration in a con&filig;ned indoor space. The most powerful stationary unit demonstrated an extremely high particle removal e&ffilig;ciency that increased sharply to almost 90% within 5&ndash;6 min, reaching about 100% within 10&ndash;12 min for all particle sizes (0.3&ndash;3 lm) tested in the chamber. For the units of the same emission rate, the data suggest that the ion polarity per se (negative vs. positive) does not a&fflig;ect the performance but the ion emission rate does. The e&fflig;ects of particle size (within the tested range) and properties (NaCl, PSL, Pseudomonas &fllig;uorescens bacteria) as well as the e&fflig;ects of the manikin&rsquo;s body temperature and its breathing on the ionic purifier performance were either small or insignificant. The data suggest that the unipolar ionic air purifiers are particularly e&ffilig;cient in reducing aerosol exposure in the breathing zone when used inside con&filig;ned spaces with a relatively high surface-to-volume ratio.</div>
Original languageAmerican English
JournalIndoor Air
StatePublished - Aug 2005


  • Aerosol concentration
  • Electric charge
  • Indoor air purification
  • Particle size

DC Disciplines

  • Public Health
  • Environmental Public Health


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