Evaluation Research

Research output: Contribution to book or proceedingChapter


Prior to employment at Georgia Southern University, Joseph Telfair authored "Evaluation Research" in Maternal and Child Health: Principles and Practice in Public Health.

Book Summary: For graduate students and professionals with an interest in maternal and child health. Maternal and Child Health covers the wide range of issues involved in meeting the needs of pregnant women, mothers, and children of all ages -- and learn the pros and cons on current services, policies, and social forces that directly influence these populations. Your students will review the ethical and philosophical underpinnings of maternal and child health -- children's rights, justice, advocacy, and maternal and child health history.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationMaternal and Child Health: Programs, Problems, and Policy in Public Health
StatePublished - 1997


  • Public Health


  • Child Health
  • Child Health Services
  • Maternal Health Services


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