Examples of Non-Kähler Hamiltonian Circle Manifolds With the Strong Lefschetz Property

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8 Scopus citations


In this paper we construct six-dimensional compact non-Kähler Hamiltonian circle manifolds which satisfy the strong Lefschetz property themselves but nevertheless have a non-Lefschetz symplectic quotient. This provides the first known counterexamples to the question whether the strong Lefschetz property descends to the symplectic quotient. We also give examples of Hamiltonian strong Lefschetz circle manifolds which have a non-Lefschetz fixed point submanifold. In addition, we establish a sufficient and necessary condition for a finitely presentable group to be the fundamental group of a strong Lefschetz manifold. We then use it to show the existence of Lefschetz four-manifolds with non-Lefschetz finite covering spaces.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalAdvances in Mathematics
StatePublished - Jan 30 2007


  • Mathematics


  • Hamiltonian manifold
  • Strong Lefschetz property
  • Symplectic quotient


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