Expert Witnessing in Forensic Accounting

Walter J. Pagano, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Research output: Book, anthology, or reportBook


Georgia Southern University faculty member Thomas A. Buckhoff co-edited Expert Witnessing in Forensic Accounting alongside non-faculty member Walter J. Pagano.

Book Summary: This book has been developed for the benefit of consulting and expertizing accountants, and the attorneys that may engage their services. Topics are wide ranging - from tips for courtroom attire to legal theories underlying Daubert - and include: testifying do's and don't's; first-hand advice for case preparation, management, and success; roles of the expert as consultant and witness; anticipation of various Daubert challenges and cross-examination techniques; independence, methodology, and advocacy considerations; admonitions to counsel about timing and selection of accounting experts; deposition and cross-examination strategies; and considerations regarding privileged information and communications.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - May 10 2005


  • Accounting
  • Business


  • Evidence expert
  • Expert witness
  • Forensic accounting


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