Exploring the Consequences of Bullying Victimization in a Sample of Singapore Youth

Thomas J. Holt, Grace Chee, Esther Ai Hong Ng, Adam M. Bossler

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


A substantial body of research has developed surrounding the phenomenon of bullying online and off-line among youth populations. These studies demonstrate there are significant psychological and emotional consequences for bullying victims. Researchers have not, however, explored in depth how these outcomes differ across the sexes based on the types of bullying they experience. In addition, few have explored these issues in a cross-national context to consider how variations in technological access and exposure may impact behavior. Thus, this study utilizes a nationally representative sample of youths from Singapore, a country with significant access to technology, to consider how suicidal ideation and school truancy as a consequence of bullying are correlated with bullying victimization online and off-line as well as technology use and various demographic factors. The findings indicate that bullying victimization across virtual and real spaces are significantly related to these outcomes and that there are significant differences between the sexes concerning suicidal ideation. The utility of this study for both criminal justice and mental health practitioners are examined in depth.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalInternational Criminal Justice Review
StatePublished - Mar 1 2013


  • Bullying
  • Criminal victimization
  • Gender and crime
  • Justice
  • Other
  • Southeast Asia
  • comparative crime

DC Disciplines

  • Criminology
  • Asian Studies
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice


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