Exploring the Learning by Design Approach in a Professional Development Workshop Designed to Integrate Technology in Differentiated Math Instruction for Elementary Teachers

Jackie HeeYoung Kim, Ardyth Foster

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


<p> <h4> Relevance </h4></p><p> This proposal designed to improve differentiated instruction will help participants gain knowledge of proactive solutions and best practices for meeting the serious challenges faced by youth today such as learning difficulties, underachievement, and achievement gaps by providing insight to develop the best teacher training model. <h4> Brief Program Description </h4></p><p> This presentation will discuss about the learning by design approach of professional development. The purpose of the study is to (a) develop an instructional design model (The Differentiation-IDDIRR model) for teachers&rsquo; learning in a professional development workshop, (b) apply the model to investigate its effects when used in an actual teacher training setting, and (c) plan to improve the model. <h4> Summary </h4></p><p> In a recent study, researchers found that while 90 percent of teachers reported participating in professional development, most of those teachers also reported that it was totally useless (Darling-Hammond et al, 2009). Thus, the real issue is not that teachers are not provided professional development, but that the typical offerings are ineffective at changing teachers&rsquo; practice or student learning. The body of research called for the effective professional development that will actually impact student learning. Therefore, there is a need to explore a new instructional design (ID) of the professional development. To meet this need, this study will investigate the learning by design approach of professional development that is designed to maximize teacher training impact on student learning. This study will investigate the learning by design approach of professional development that is designed to maximize teacher training impact on student learning. Thus, the purpose of the study is to (a) develop an instructional design model (The Differentiation-IDDIRR model) for teachers&rsquo; learning of differentiated instruction in a professional development workshop, (b) apply the model (the Differentiation-IDDIRR model) to investigate its effects when used in an actual teacher training setting, and (c) plan to improve the model. To do so, the following research questions guided the study:</p><p> 1. What are the effects of the instructional design model on teachers&rsquo; pedagogical improvement of the differentiated instruction?</p><p> 2. How do the results of the instructional design model inform the revision of the model?</p><p> The presentation will conclude with guidelines that will inform thoery and practice of the instructional design model of professional development. <h4> Evidence </h4></p><p> The survey data, interview results, teachers&rsquo; lesson plans, collective reflection data constructed by participants of the Teacher Quality Grant professional development workshop will develop evidence the effects of the instructional design model (The Differentiation-IDDIRR model).</p>
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 1 2016
EventNational Youth At-Risk Conference -
Duration: Mar 10 2020 → …


ConferenceNational Youth At-Risk Conference
Period03/10/20 → …


  • Educational Administration and Supervision
  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
  • Educational Leadership


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