Finding Bioconnected Components in O9n) Time for a Class of Graphs

Y. Daniel Liang, Chongkye Rhee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


A rooted tree is called a  single-branch tree  if there is exactly one nonleaf vertex on each level except the bottom level of the tree. We present an O( n ) time algorithm for finding biconnected components in a graph  G , assuming that a single-branch breadth-first search (SBS) tree of any connected induced subgraph of  G  can be found in O( n ) time. We show that such SBS trees can be found for the interval graphs and the permutation graphs in O( n ) time. Hence, the biconnected components in these graphs can be obtained in O( n ) time, while finding biconnected components in a general graph of  n  vertices and  m  edges takes  O ( n  +  n ) time.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalInformation Processing Letters
StatePublished - Nov 11 1996


  • Computer Sciences


  • Algorithms
  • Biconnected component
  • Breadth-first search


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