Forum 62: Humans and Other Species

Varvara Baholdina, Alex Blanchette, Elena Bogdanova, Anastasia Fedotova, Carole Ferret, Ian Helfant, Mark D. Hersey, Stepan Kalinin, Frédéric Keck, Olga Korovkina, Vladimir Korshunkov, Olga Kosheleva, Ekaterina Krylova, Anna Mazanik, Mark Mefed, Eva Meijer, Henrietta Mondry, Elena Nikiforova, Tamar Novick, Stepan PetryakovMaria Pirogovskaya, Irina Podgorny, Milena Pugina, Lidiya Rakhmanova, John Sanbonmatsu, Julia Shanina, Denis Sivkov, Sergei Sokolovskiy, Drew Swanson, Alexandra Terekhina, Anna Varfolomeeva, Maxim Vinarski, Grigorij Vinokurov, Alexandr Volkovitskiy, Aleksandra Zakharova, Oksana Zaporozhets

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Studies of more-than-human sociality in general, and multispecies ethnography in particular, are becoming an increasingly popular trend in global (social, human, and transdisciplinary) scholarship. In the current forum, researchers from various disciplines discuss the advantages, limitations, and challenges of this trend. They also share their thoughts on why multispecies research has (or has not) an appeal in Russian academia and what the future may hold for it. The discussion addresses the key issues of the origin of this trend and its distinctive vocabulary; the subject and object problem; the search for an appropriate methodology and elaborating a scholarly narrative; interdisciplinarity and the relationship between political activism and research.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11-224
Number of pages214
JournalAntropologicheskij Forum
Issue number62
StatePublished - 2024

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Cultural Studies
  • Anthropology


  • animal turn
  • Anthropocene
  • interdisciplinarity
  • more-than-human sociality
  • multispecies ethnography


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